Where the road leads!
how about the USA cremates israel and say...
legalizes rape!
and state sonsers Venus Temples buildings and...
uses hardcore porn in advertizements
stops anti-white racism
outlaws prudes
outlaws marriage
outlaws monogamy
outlaws child-ownership
inposes carthageinian monthly temple sex law?
and introduces communism. (non jew marxism!)
its kinda funny.
[this article was intended as, and so will only be followed by some nations so relax, its not all salaam!]
in the event you consider this article done by al quadeda contact either: 1 the nearest mental hospital outpatients unit or 2 FBI (where differs).
useful info.
how to perfom hajj. saudi ministry of hajj.
hajj talk. gunk article.
is got a few pictures this one.
i'm loving it!!
if you prefer you could go to nowhere, walk round in circles, go for a pointless walk and stand there like and idiot, shave your head and wander back the way you came as in the days of jahil-iyah.
such is the way of skitzophrenia.
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