Tuesday, 1 June 2010

How to Diss-afferm natural Racial-Affiliation! (lie)

Whites against Racism!?
Fee Speach means there is a cost attached .... recognizing the confusion over the letter R.
Difficult Letter!
Its a big letter!
Its english international speach (lower-pitch but inter-lang-earth)
and it is after all Human Speach and required Cognition (comprehension)
If understood realisticly, many do not do so. Its just real grading and connection rather than presumed elite as 'normality'? is that sane?

Desperate to disprove National Socialism!!    why?
...but socialism we want for the ....nation.. so say this collection unquoted!!!
(unless it involves the bilogical sex needs of males).... NOT THAT MYTH DIANA THE VIRGIN WAS RIGHT OR ANYTHING!!! WE ARE NOT HER SLAVES THESE DAYS ...BUT....
Success! Victory! (heresy!) . youtube horst wessel lied. 2;44

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