A King of the Jews?
youtube 'are you king of the jews'.
plus 'am i a jew?'.
fun and knowledge, sometime dark
In Jewish eschatology, the term came to refer to a future Jewish King from the Davidic line, who will be "anointed" with holy anointing oil and rule the Jewish people during the Messianic Age (ie the age in which a messiah rules QED). In Standard Hebrew, The Messiah is often referred to as מלך המשיח, Mélekh ha-Mashíaẖ (in the Tiberian vocalization pronounced Méleḵ hamMāšîªḥ), literally meaning "the anointed king." more info wiki link.
Today, the various Jewish denominations have sharp disagreements about the nature of the Messiah and the Messianic Age, with some orthodox groups holding that the Messiah will be a person and other femminist groups holding that the Messiah is a representation of the Messianic Age itself (which occurs when the messiah king is returned to his throne).[citation needed well as in they do; it means some groups think the messiah will be a peron but others dont]
Traditional and current Orthodox thought have mainly held that the Messiah will be the anointed one (messiah), descended from his father through the Davidic line of King David, who will gather the Jews back into the Land of Israel and usher in an era of peace.[" This will exclude joke jews ofcourse (as in yous cans go fucks yourself as in as much as a goddess is ables to like put in the penis she doesnt have into herself but is envious of as fraud explanded to psychiatric students)"The complainants write in the complaint that “The vessels were plundered and Titus who burned the Temple, took them to Rome.” They complain that in addition to the Menorah, other vessels were plundered, including the Laver Basin, the Table of the Showbread, the Golden Altar, the Copper Altar, and the Ornamental Curtain at the entrance to the Holy of Holies. The complainants claim that at least some of the vessels are still existent in the Vatican cellars in Rome.
The complainants add that on separate dates -- many hundreds of years later -- various tractates of the Talmud, books of Maimonides, and around 7,500 works on Jewish philosophy and science were stolen and remain in the Vatican library." 2009
"The Pope and others are accused of possessing stolen goods; receiving items considered stolen and receiving goods that were obtained through criminal means.
The list of witnesses appearing on the complaint include Israel’s Chief Rabbis, Rabbi Yonah Metzger and Rabbi Shlomo Amar, along with Rabbi Yisrael Ariel of the Temple Institute."
"Dr. Sean Kingsley, author of God's Gold: The Quest for the Lost Temple Treasure of Jerusalem, has stated that the looted treasures are somewhere in the Holy Land. “One thing is for sure – it is not imprisoned deep in Vatican City,” Dr. Kingsley told the British Sunday Times in 2006." - link.
"The carcases were emaciated and no feed or water appeared to be available. It appears the animals died from starvation and water deprivation.
"In another house four young cattle were found dead and one animal had to be destroyed.
More cattle were found in a field and in a poor condition, and one of them had to be put down.
"Immediate actions have been taken to secure feed and water for the animals left alive," Mrs Gildernew said.
In a separate incident, the USPCA said vets accompanied by PSNI officers discovered a shocking scene of cruelty and neglect as they visited a farm near Gilford Co. Armagh.
"To date four horses have been found dead, the farm is being depopulated of equine livestock, with approximately 12 neglected animals being removed to a place of safety by the USPCA," the charity fighting against equine cruelty said.
Another separate incident of cruelty was reported last weekend in the Hillsborough area."
"Twenty-two cattle have been found dead on a County Armagh farm, the Department of Agriculture has said.
Two other animals had to be put down on the farm near Darkley following what Agriculture Minister Michelle Gildernew described as a horrific incident.
In a separate incident, four dead thoroughbred horses were found on a farm near Gilford, also County Armagh.
Two others had to be put down by USPCA officers. They are removing 13 other horses from the farm.
In the Darkley incident, Department vets made the horrific discovery in farm buildings on Monday.
Ms Gildernew described the latest incident as "a dreadful case which obviously involved much suffering by a large number of animals".
"A full investigation will be carried out and all possible help and treatment will be offered to the surviving cattle," she said.
"The vets found 18 dead cattle in one building. The carcases were emaciated and no feed or water appeared to be available. It appears the animals died from starvation and water deprivation.
"In another house four young cattle were found dead and one animal had to be destroyed.""
'Your search - cattle armagh eire - did not match any documents.
Suggestions:' It belongs to the UK.
did the children fair: better than; or worse then?
DUP conservative-capitalist Unionists welcome serial girl-molester back:
A self-confessed sex abuser has been secretly allowed back into the DUP — in the latest scandal to rock the party.
Pervert fruit farmer Brian Hutchinson, 42, was voted in as party treasurer in Armagh even though he assaulted a 15-year-old girl for more than a year.
The married dad of five sensationally quit the DUP in 2002 after his litany of twisted abuse was exposed.
But Sunday Life revealed that he is back in the organisation in a high-profile position controlling party cash.
A DUP spokesman admitted: “The Party acted on this matter in 2002.
“Mr Hutchinson withdrew from the party and his council position.
“In 2008 he rejoined the party and is the current treasurer of our Armagh branch.
“The Party will be making no further comment on this matter.”
Confirmation that Hutchinson has rejoined party ranks will be yet another blow to the DUP — still reeling over the Iris Robinson cash and sex scandal.
The revelation also comes as embattled Sinn Fein chief Gerry Adams is under fire for his handling of child abuse allegations facing his younger brother Liam.
Garden centre manager Hutchinson told us yesterday: “I’m just trying to put all that behind me and get on with party work.”
Hutchinson — whose late father Dougie helped found the DUP and was once Ian Paisley’s right-hand man — was booted out of the party in September 2002 after his teen assaults came to light.
He received a police caution for indecent assault — which involves admitting your guilt — and was put on the Sex Offenders’ Register for five years.
Hutchinson was voted in as DUP treasurer of the Armagh branch just one year after his name came off the list.
The party and Hutchinson have insisted he was not in the party in an official role until after his name was removed from the Sex Offenders’ Register.
But yesterday Hutchinson admitted he was invited to DUP bashes in Armagh before he was taken off.
He confessed: “I was at dinners at the area and DUP events from 2002 to 2008.”
Hutchinson, from Woodview, Co Armagh, pleaded that the matter be laid to rest
Read more: http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/local-national/dup-welcomed-sex-abuser-brian-hutchinson-back-to-party-14650530.html#ixzz0dlSQ488lHis systematic abuse only came to light when the under-age girl finally plucked up the strength to tell her mum.
After she exposed Hutchinson, he was back behind the counter of his large nursery business in Co Armagh, which he still runs. [This allows him access to children]
In the Thesaurus Eroticus Linguae Latinae, four kinds of phalli are described:
1 Those made of wood, chiefly of the fig tree (also used at the festivals of Priapus);
2 Those of glass, ivory, gold and silken stuffs and linen, as used by the Lesbian women as dildos;
3 Bread images shaped like penises;
4 Phallic drinking vessels of gold or glass.
After the Canephori girls came the Periphallia, a troop of men who carried long poles with phalli hung at the end of them; they were crowned with violets and ivy, and they walked repeating sexually explicit songs. These men were called Phallophori, not to be confused with the Ithyphalli, who, dressed provocatively and sometimes in women's costume, acting as though they were drunk, wore at their waist-bands huge phalli made of wood or leather. Among the Ithyphalli there were also those who dressed as Pan or the satyrs. Others, known as Lychnophori, looked after the mystic winnowing-fan, an emblem whose presence was held indispensable in these kinds of festivals.
In birth-bowers new did Zeus Cronion
Receive his scion;
For hid in a cleft of his thigh,
By the gold clasps knit, did he lie
Safe hidden from Hera's eye
Till the Fates' day came.
Jewish scholars, supported by liberal Christians, have stated that almah cannot mean "virgin" because elsewhere the Hebrew word for virgin is #1330, bethulah. The Jewish Publication Society and Revised Standard Version translations render Isaiah 7:14 as "the young woman shall conceive." When the RSV came out in 1952, Christian Fundamentalists held public RSV burnings because of their view that the mother of Jesus conceived miraculously, without cohabitation with a man. The Jehovah Witnesses' New World Translation renders Isaiah 7:14 as:"the maiden herself will actually become pregnant," while The James Moffatt Translation renders it "There is a young woman with child, who shall bear a son and call his name 'Immanuel' . . . ""
"In Proverbs 30:19, "the way of a man with a maid [almah]" is one of the four things which are amazing and hard to understand. This is referring to courtship between a man and an unmarried maiden."
"Jews claim Jesus was born of adultery, calling him "Jesus ben Panthera," an illegitimate bastard of the union of Mary with a soldier named Panthera. " - link.
well maybe: Talmudic;
"Celsus makes the same statement in another passage, where he refers even to a written source (ἀναγέγραπται), adding that the seducer was a soldier by the name of Panthera (l.c. i. 32)."
It is certain, in any case, that the rabbinical sources also regard Jesus as the "son of Pandera" (), although it is noteworthy that he is called also "Ben Sṭada" (
) (Shab. 104b; Sanh. 67a).
so Panthera was the virgin collector, and the fathers were Pandera/Pandira and Stada? sounds like a roman orgy?
"for it is possible that it originated among heretics inimical to Jesus, as the Ophites and Cainites, of whom Origen says, “they uttered such hateful accusations against Jesus as Celsus himself did (“Contra Celsum,” iii. 13)"
Read more: http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?letter=J&artid=254#ixzz0dNBpoNDP ... or at this link.
1904 farmer saved from bull by wife with pitchfork.
1911 bulls kills two, farmer and hired hand. 'such a mild beast'.
Bull head-butts and kills retired farmer. climed in with cows.
dec 1993
Angry bull kills water board man
A WATER board official was gored to death yesterday by a bull that broke through a fence. Wilson Cowan, 56, was sampling water from a mains in a street in Pettinain, Strathclyde, when an Ayrshire bull in a nearby field grew agitated and began to bellow.
The animal charged through the wire fence and pinned him against his van. It gored him in the head and body, and tossed him into the middle of the lane. Road builders working near by tried to distract the bull by throwing stones but by the time they reached Mr Cowan, an official with the West of Scotland Water Board, he was dead.
9 June 1998
Cow kills man
A 74-year-old man from England died after being gored by a Highland cow near Plockton, Highland. The man, thought to have been with family at a holiday home, had apparently been walking on a path and come across the cow and its calf.
29 August 2003
Bull kills farmer
A farmer was gored to death by a bull as he rounded up his cows for milking. William Pennington, 68, had farmed the land in Dunham Massey near Altrincham, Cheshire, all his working life. It is understood that there was a delay before paramedics could reach him because the bull was standing over him.
8 July 2005
Bull kills Farmer in uk-wales.
Father-of-two Peter Deathe, 54, was fatally injured by his 450kg Limousin on his farm near Usk, Monmouthshire.
His herd had earlier undergone tests by a vet from a practice where Bob Stevenson is a former senior partner.
Mr Stevenson said: "It's a reminder that we just can't take these animals for granted in any way."
The paramedics who took Mr Deathe to hospital described how they had to find a way past the angry bull to treat the farmer.
One said the bull was "openly aggressive and clearly saw us as a threat".
The incident was rare, Mr Stevenson said, but attacks of this kind still happened too frequently, and farmers needed to be on their guard.
"Bulls are just so unreliable," said the vet
Dec 2005
Bull kills Farmer UKA farmer died after being trampled by a bullock that he had just bought at a livestock market. Raymond Burrough, 72, was attacked at Gateshayes Farm, Whimple, East Devon and died 11 days later. Mr Burrough was the Master of the East Devon Hunt and a leading member of the National Farmers’ Union.
1 January 2007
Bull kills Farmer, survives shot in head, Nederlands
"A farmer has died after being attacked by a bull on his farm in the village of Loenersloot, midway between Amsterdam and Utrecht, Nos tv reports.
Police managed to shoot the animal in the head but it survived the bullet, Nos says.
It is not clear what will now happen to the bull which appeared to go mad for no reason, Nos says."
july 2009
Horney Bulls kills prude-famer croatia.
A horny bull gored a farmer to death trying to get past him to a field of cows. Police in Virje, Croatia, say the randy beast saw red when 77-year-old Goran Zivkovic slammed the gate shut, stopping him from reaching his harem.
november 2009
It is for this reason that:
“Section 59 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 bans bulls of recognised dairy breeds (eg. Ayrshire, Friesian, Holstein, Dairy Shorthorn, Guernsey, Jersey and Kerry) in all circumstances from being at large in fields crossed by public rights of way. Bulls of all other breeds are also banned from such fields unless accompanied by cows or heifers, but there are no specific prohibitions on other cattle.”
from the British Health & Safety Executive (HSE) wesbite
Despite the enforcement of this legislation:
“In 2006/07 injuries from animals caused more deaths than any other category. Eleven people were killed by animals, five more than in the previous year (2005/06). Three involved bulls, seven cows or other cattle and one a horse. All the victims sustained trauma injuries consistent with them having been attacked, trampled to death or gored and trodden on by an individual animal or a herd of cattle.”
HSE report, ‘Fatal injuries in farming, forestry, horticulture and associated industries’
In the US, where animal handling techniques are as advanced and safety conscious as anywhere in the world, the authors of one study found that from 1992-1997:
“Cattle were responsible for 142 deaths [more than any other animal]… Most deaths from cattle were from attacks or mauling from the animal, especially bulls.”
‘Occupational fatalities due to animal-related events,’ Wilderness & Environmental Medicine, 12:3"
at least the bulls made sence.
"First MOLOCH, horrid King besmear'd with blood
Of human sacrifice, and parents tears,
Though for the noyse of Drums and Timbrels loud
Their childrens cries unheard, that past through fire
To his grim Idol. Him the AMMONITE
Worshipt in RABBA and her watry Plain,
In ARGOB and in BASAN, to the stream
Of utmost ARNON. Nor content with such
Audacious neighbourhood, the wisest heart
Of SOLOMON he led by fraud to build
His Temple right against the Temple of God
On that opprobrious Hill, and made his Grove
The pleasant Vally of HINNOM, TOPHET thence
And black GEHENNA call'd, the Type of Hell.""Moloch wiki, data. lMoloch sacrifices.
various gods.... abortion.... scams...ECp drum-bangers.
King of Kings, motorhead rock... relaxing: King of Kings, Majesty.