The Handmaid of Sepphoris.
Mary of Nazareth; it was a small village which became the junction point of the major Roman roads (set to make Nazareth go big in the following centuaries).
The main Jerusalem to Damascus (syria) road went past Nazareth village, and there too it branched with a main roman road going off the the coastal port.
With the arrival of the Romans it began to get busy.
The roads helped trade and with the movement of legions.
5 miles from Nazareth to the north-east was the capitol of Galilee, a place called Sepphoris which had a roman theatre, temples, cult of dionysus of the wine and orgies like the god Pan, and the Herods. The romans also built things at Nazareth itself (well a silo and garbage pit), which had around 50 dwellings. including a secret grotto - such grottos were common shrines to Pan much further to the north (Banyas/Banias, Phillipi).
wiki Nazareth.
"Alexandre also found the entrance to a secret grotto".
Mary's well...well, the village well.... Mary's House..of legend, where she announced she was pregnant... time of Jesus artifax from Nazareth.. such as herodian lamps...
Nazareth data..... Sepphoris excavations... later roman temple...
pagan cults in Sepphoris etc...
"Traditionally it is thought that Joachim and Anna were the parents of Mary and that they lived in Sepphoris. If that were really the case, then there is a good chance that Joseph did work on the city as it was growing and perhaps even met Mary on one of those 'work trips'."
"The probability of Jesus' having worked in Sepphoris is intriguing and makes so much sense. Carpentry just for the Nazarenes doesn't seem to me like it was so much of a full-time profession. Perhaps, with the opportunities in Sepphoris, he was able to stash away some profits, which allowed him to give it all up and travel -- maybe even to the Far East, as some think. One could assume that being the elder son of Joseph, Jesus went with Joseph to work, wherever that might have been, and interacted with customers, fellow artisans, etc. from a very early age. These interactions, in a place like Sepphoris, could have opened the doors to extensive theological/philosophical discussions among people of a variety of Middle Eastern persuasions, and contributed to New Testament ideas that we have been led to believe were revolutionary"
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