Monday, 18 January 2010

5 Baal Temple High-Place Orgy

The high-place of baal and rock of astarte.

Inside the main-building is the shrine and its natural rock altar made by the gods themselves.

Here will be more insence offerings to Baal'im and sexual offerings to and hedonist pleasures.

This is a free fuck orgy place unlike the outer wall; for it is in honor of the gods the baals.

such has been revealed and forseen.

pussy rub.
fucky.... big tits... fun chick with two guys...
more temple music:
song to the son of god. there are 70 of them. (not to be confused with the Messiach Moloch).
Mount of Olives song hebrew, adonai 'lord' of lit eloyhim 'goddesses'. the rain bringer is Baal Haddad. aka rain song.
Enya Rivers Song. glory in nature!

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