Cash-Bribes for Governement Policy-Shredding.
music as you read;
Tiffy; i think were alone now.
(other than the more-bedding for hampsters lobby - lucky guys!)
Cash for Lobby scam. sky.
nodds as good a wink;
"David Cameron says a Conservative MP linked to a "cash-for-lobby" row will not get a peerage but resists calls to kick him out of the party.
He said he would not withdraw the Tory whip from Sir John - as Labour has done with its MPs drawn into the affair - unless the Parliamentary authorities ruled he had done something wrong.
Gordon Brown has rejected calls to hold an inquiry into the row but Mr Cameron repeated again that a "brief but comprehensive" investigation should be held."
"three ex-Cabinet ministers involved in the "cash-for-lobby" row were suspended from the Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP).
Labour's chief whip Nick Brown has promised MPs he would question Stephen Byers, Patricia Hewitt and Geoff Hoon about their roles in the affair."
"The trio are alleged to have tried to sway policy decisions by lobbying the government in return for cash.
The claims were made in Channel 4's Dispatches programme about a "sting" operation in which a number of MPs were secretly filmed in discussion with an undercover reporter posing as the representative of a fictitious US lobbying firm."
Mr Byers, who described himself as a "cab for hire", requested £5,000 a day and boasted he had previously secured secret deals with ministers over a rail franchise contract and food labelling on behalf of private companies. He later claimed he had "exaggerated" his influence.
Ms Hewitt and Mr Hoon were filmed suggesting they would charge £3,000 a day for their services.
Adding to politicians' woes are claims from the BBC that more than 20 Labour and Tory MPs have breached rules by accepting free overseas trips from foreign governments.
All of the MPs filmed in the cash-for-lobbying scandal, including Labour's Margaret Moran, who has also been suspended, and Tory MP Sir John Butterfill, have denied any wrongdoing and insisted they had breached no rules.
Mr Byers has referred himself to the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner John Lyon for an inquiry into his conduct."
" Tory chairman Eric Pickles said there increasingly appeared to be "a cover-up at the heart of Government"
"Jack Straw, the justice minister, said in a BBC radio interview on Tuesday that many Labour legislators had reacted to the behavior of the three ministers with “incredulity about their stupidity” for being “caught in a sting like this.”"
"Mr. Byers claimed to have exerted influence in the past with Lord Peter Mandelson, the current business secretary. But he later withdrew the allegation and Lord Mandelson denied it. “It is extremely disappointing and it is very sad and rather grubby,” Lord Mandelson said."
Just how grubby is being kept hush.
its like the Tory-90s all over again - independant (ie homeless) (newspaper does still exist, hiding in Daily Mail basment at the moment). its like asking your daughter why she is wearing such a short skirt and she says she is making a cup of tea for the guy in the barn again...
MPs uk elected-representatives taking sunshine holidays payed for by foreign intelligence services...(strange we should meet here isnt it Mr Bond!).
holidays for influenced kept hush.
Times says Election May 6th. (how much did that cost)
other gunk
kate winslet thinks world has seen enough of her ass and boobs... what planet is she from? nope not getting a pussy view with has been. 2009 (can she carry a brief case though?)
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