Citizen you!
do you feel the Sun=God* himself calling you to live in your righful UV-light zone!
Good for You!
(else waa zub uch) (abracadabra z).
*and the design of our great maker Elan; may his memorial be a glorious testimony to his wisdom.
it is neither fair for naturally legal to keep peoples in; sun-burn-status disablility nor; unhealth low-vitamin status! THIS MEANS .... you do not do so!
And as friends! help one another to be not-sun-fryed nor low-vitamin health!
this means live in correct and apointd by the lords of nature and sun-god to be in the rightful and just uv-light habitation zone for the people to find THEIR will and destiny as NOT slaves of OTHERS who are scum.
for the cancer-fighting D3 vitamin dark-ones, citizen good, and anti-sun burn light-ones, waa zub! [abracadabra] the temple of the sun god will guide you to the equator, then other, from it! This is a good service! That they might see, hear, think and do... and feel right! Then their-your gods can protect them-you better!
(help them help you!)
be blessed of your god(s). Surya sun-blessing. [a sun-god] non noblis domina¬
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