Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Shooter Cognition and Avoidence (non Prude!)
Shrine of Murkul (first of the dead, God of the Dead) so what?
Morkul is theGod of the Dead (Yahweh is not) and is Our comrade in this as first of the dead!)
(just how it is)
abortion shooter song again. i mean fuck it made me cry so it a good one.
Morkul God of the Dead Shrine.... online.
Army of God Online!! (just; dispite attempts by America to hush-up). what did that serve?
Army of God Praise Team. song-drama youtube.
Another Song.
Legion Morkul stealth hoodie, 'urban invisable'. anti-abortion.
Legion Morkul cap (goes under hoodie).
general attire, long-sleves shirt.
Are You Green-Eco (Side) or side-Against (Hostile) ? (for Ianna Diana ))
If you check my iD card then you will KNOW!! (that they are liars and need aresting as per the law for lieing to law-enforcement officers and slander and ....harrassement, assault (threat)....etc).
Eco-Green Tree-plant ?
Are you eco-forest yes or no? the hitler youth planeted forests. yes? no? yes-no?
is swastik forest ok then?
Eco- yes. not eco no.
the normal peoples support the slayers of abortionists-baby-killer- jew-molochs!!
are you anti-semite-moloch or pro-semite-jew-moloch?
ancient jews could oppose moloch and support astarte and baal....! can they now?
which are you? who are you? do you know?
Is it civilized? Do others say baby-killing is civilized? Do other nations accept Baby-Killers and their supporters and say you are safe (in streets, protected-quarenteen-rules, in legion-army-barracks, the ghetto?)?
Can you turn in an FBI officer to the State?? we would have a number for known members of an illegal organisation...Get this! £+100 citizen income on top of your Citizen Income!!! YESS!! Do it!
half-eaten corpses accpeted!! (no questions Orc-orc happy-eaters!) [they only do it to feel vindicated btw]
idoit free-speech beliver youtube unitl the jew kikes-Koverup! (!!)... expresses dissendting PC beliefs arested by FBI!
Baby-Killer Exicutioner escapes; kills pro-child-snuff officer ; (oh boo hoo walk my steet!)- but the brutal torture by anarchist police officers horrific-izeds even the court USA so they put him in a mask, to cover-up (so anti-Nation-Law (ie USA or UK) court can hide it away as they did. To do this is death, if we ruled you, so you are like, ok we accept ; central government command ; and reject nambla-child-snuff-Talmudic-Jew-anarchey finally! Good huh?.
{take down USA and FBI-child-snuff-Jew-nambla....its a difficutl concept for them. But not us. 2 sides!} FBI used to it - against children fun!! (to them) can see no wrong (as in child cases)...
see comments for sane disagreements!!
(legion pay as soldart! cira £100 citizen Income!) He is owned it (and you help here?)
Rap music youtube : this nigga dont wanna die. (what is war for?)
The humane Die for Diana abortion-shooter video. youtube. a good jew in our green-skin vallhalla!
Freedom of Religion? Yes? No? Yes-No?
Soo can Hindus have their original religious suasti symbol?
can jains have theirs?
can buddhist too?
...can Jews?
Then Can Jews then if other not?
are you a joke?
are you an imbicile or idiot or lunatic?
is this the issue?
[Tech note: use of german Aryan haplogroup racial-determaintion factors have been deployed in this article for their moderation]
(jew) FEMINIST BABY-KILLER DOWN (?) We have nappies (but fascist obeicence to indoctrination is a virture yes?)
Morkul God of the Dead shrine Online (first of the dead , according to some legends)
Monday, 26 April 2010
Vote for Cash Back! Vote Citizen's Income Ci issue
Politics is a two way thing:
You vote Them into Wealth and Power.... AND???
So choose For Them to bung you a Cash Back to all citizens (the legal way!!)
(automatic right of citizenship/birth residence automated system)
Good for you, the local and national economy, good for everyone! thats ethical.
welcome to the Civilized Society! Citizen Income. Vote.
Vote for the issue.
Sunday, 25 April 2010
Ready Reference Citizen's Income 2
The photos are of the ecconomic-macro genius Maynard Keynes.
Most problems come from local micro-ecconomics applied to the Macro-Ecconomic (national) situation.
Use Keynes Macro-Ecconomics for the Macro-Ecconomic-Nation-state.
useful links;
Citizen Income online. website.
Basic Income, wiki data.
Alternative Funding Petrol Tax for Citizen Income (keynes boost)
Fuel Duty x2 x3 = +26 +32 billion (so go electric car and save the world)
= +20 £ week @30million (other 30 mill taxed back). (at x3)
as booze is oporating at a loss to government (law and order, ASBehaviour etc) need;
pub tax and booze tax. just the booze tax at x2 x3 = (now 8.4 billion year ) +8.4, +16.8
ie at x3 = extra +10 £ citizen income! (and local-eccomomic desposable-income boost!).
Air passenger elite: x2 x3 = +2.1 billion + 4.2 billion £
Betting and gamboling: x5 = 1.5 x5 = 7.5 ie +6 billion £
above two 4.2 + 6 = +10.2 billion
Custome Duties 2.5 x2 = 5 ie +2.5 ; x3 = + 5 billion
@ above x3 10.2 + 5 = 15.2 billion
all above = +40 £ week 30 million (taxed back from other 30 million!)
Could hack NHS as operations run at x25 private cost! Raid it to ruin! (if need be then)
keep open centre call ins free to public!!!
Stop and reverse immigaration!
Do not invade the World.
Viking Raid at Home!! For the Citizens income!
Make it +£100 top-up a week!!
note: combine with the below post +60 week; we have +40 + +60 = +100 £ a week for 30 million (other 30 million it is taxed back to =0)
ie: +100 £ week for 30 million lower half of population as Citizen Income (the local and National Ecconomic boost in local goods and services is immense) + on top of wages/dole/denied-either/hooker etc...
Spring Time in UK youtube, wiki uk taxation.
get the hot-top girls! Vote Green if you know what i mean! (vote green on back)
(not affiliated with any Green Party)
same thing: guys T-shirt (Citizen Income, Vote Green with Vote Green on back).
(not affiliated with any Green Party)
Citizen Income bonus +20 +40 +60 week costings
We WE can! (No They Cant (imbreeding, frigid, dysgenic spastics)).
+20 Can be done from stopping:
9 billion a year ofcourse (13 billion when Dav Cameron takes over)
Foreign aid ; inc. to Islamic waco nations and Africans jihadi burkas.
Stop war in Afghanistan. (5 billion a year) You will leave them Wahabi-Saudi-Salafi Moslems to it anyway so Leave the mountains to them (like UK did twice before and dont invade iran unless America Pays you £100 billion ok? ¬your not worth it by the way)
Stop paying the joke EU of europe (that Germania wants to get its own currency these days after the pedo-homo-lesbian greeks fucked them over); stop paying £43 Million a day or £15.695 billion a year to the EU Euro-fad. (oh i must have that handbag i'm a liblabcon type....)
¬ So far nearly £30 billion!
(at half the population of 60 billion the CI reclaimed in tax (upper half) at therefore no cost to themselves, we have just covered it).
+40 write-of the national-dept loan-sharks and try them for treason and roast them in public for the feed-up! save £28 billion and discourage others lending to your area!!! a bargin!! goes into your economy.
for +60 a week (yes on-top-off else) have too viking-raid....defence.....(but at their top up wage they will happy make do (and not at war nor in iran).
complex joke:
HM Treasury UK. 2009
Government spending UK; 2010.
W/c to Green Pary UK from the Can Doers !
We are here to help the good!
And machettis to help out the confusion.
ci ££ :) DELIVERED!!
Saturday, 24 April 2010
Beep! iD to go! free iDcards, no details no expire idea
Free iD ! (to the citizen)
see competant authorized card-readers data-screen for details.
thats the problems with expire dates (like 6th May 2010) = it expires!!
(its a scam...recharge retards)
Vote Green And Get Money (when at no,10 as government)
"Despite the fact that many people have too much work, there are others who cannot gain employment because it is said they are too old, lack skills or live in the wrong location.
Everyone would receive a basic Citizen's Income to allow everybody to make meaningful choices between paid employment, part-time work, self employment, volunteering and encourage a better balance between work and everyday life."
I found it by accident.
Voteing Poll uk Policies!

top three, voting intentions .
Vote for Policies. (policies or slavish compulse cultism? Substance or Spin?)
"Vote for Policies makes it easy to compare what the political parties are promising to do. It helps you make an informed, unbiased decision about who to vote for. Find out which party you really support...
Compare policies from six UK political parties on a range of key issues (just select at least four). After you have chosen the policies you agree with we’ll show you which parties they belong to. But be ready - the results can be surprising!"
The Green Party would address this problem by introducing a Citizen’s Income.This is an unconditional payment made to each individual as a right ofcitizenship – like a tax credit paid to everyone whether they're working or not.
The Green Party would introduce a Citizen’s Income that would:
- Guarantee that everyone’s basic needs are covered by a non means-tested weekly payment, as of right.
- Replace benefits such as Job Seeker’s Allowance, as well as replacing personal tax-free allowances with a payment which is worth much more.
- Ensure that anyone who takes paid work will be better off for doing so.
- Make working part-time an option for many people who would prefer it, but who are currently discouraged from it.
- Put an end to demeaning benefits procedures.
- Act as a safety-net to those considering self-employment, so that they have less to fear if their business isn’t successful.
Thursday, 22 April 2010
United Against Fascism; Antifa and the USSR JAC-EAK KGB
Moscow, ulitsa Kropotkina, 10, Telephone: G-6-71-00, G-6-47-07
The Committee consists of 70 members (a list of Committee members is attached), and its executive committee has 19 members (a list of executive committee members is attached).
The working staff of the Committee consists of:
- Secretary of the Committee, whose duties (following the death of Comrade Shakhno Epshtein) are carried out by the writer I. Fefer, member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) [VKP(b)] since 1919.
- Deputy Secretary of the Committee, Comrade S.M. Shpigel'glias, VKP(b) member since 1919 and formerly a party worker.
- Senior editors: N. IA. Levin, VKP(b) member since 1944 and veteran of World War II; L. A. Gol'dberg, not a party member, former director of the publishing house Der Emes; editor S.O. Berman, VKP(b) member since 1940, veteran of World War II; and three translators and several technical workers.
ecently Mr. Ben Zion Goldberg (Waife), the son-in-law of Sholem Aleichem, visited the Soviet Union. He is a prominent public figure in the United States, a member of the executive committee of the Soviet-American Friendship Society (headed by Lamont), chairman of the Committee of Jewish Scientists, Writers, and Artists of the United States (Albert Einstein is president of the Committee), vice-president of Ambidjan, the All-American Society for Aid to Birobidzhan (president of Ambidzhan-- Steffenson). Mr. Goldberg is also a major American journalist, a contributor to the newspapers Toronto Star, Saint Louis Dispatch, New York Post, and Today, and to the magazine New Republic. Mr. Goldberg stayed in the Soviet Union from January 11 to June 8, excluding one month when he traveled to Finland, Sweden, and Denmark. ...
Such requests were received from: N. Goldman, the chairman of the executive committee of the World Jewish Congress; Dr. Stephen Wise, chairman of the American Jewish Congress; Louis Levine, chairman of the Jewish Union for Soviet Aid under Russian War Relief; Mr. Raiskii, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper Presse Nouvelle in Paris; et al.
The Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR has sent during its entire existence one delegation, composed of Comrades Mikhoels and Fefer, to the United States, England, Canada, and Mexico. This delegations's trip report has been published in the book The Jewish People against Fascism (attached; see pp. 91- 129).
Chairman of the Jewish Anfifascist Committee in the USSR: S. Mikhoels
Member of the Executive Committee of the Jewish Antifascist Committee in the USSR: I. Fefer"
etc Link JAC-Antifa.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
oh fuck tech!
so that you know.
Monday, 19 April 2010
14 Virgins of Nazareth in Sepphoris
For know this mortals, there is but one Virgin and she is in the celestial star realms of the gods; it is Diana.
No mortal woman is like her.
As Cattle in the field so human women are serviced and serve the males. And the Gods will gift those women and their tribe a baby! Is this not marvelous!
In the spring the flowers are revealed and so each virgin will part her legs and reaveal her flower; and her cross lowered for the phalluses to be inserted! Liberated from laws, Dionysus will Liberate them from Diana.
Setting the Captives Free!
Celsus. wiki.
Photo art.
The Alma
With Diana the Virgin of Efez (it is her temple gate cross-idol of turkey) and Dionysus
(with him comes Bacchus and Pan), Roman, from Sepphoris. It is Venus who is the breeder is it not? But popular cultism brings money offerings with them... who are they but servants of the gods, servants of the public.. Servants of unrealistic fools?
(servant of the frigid, servant of The...Virgin).
Shrine to Dionysus.
Shrine to Mary.
Sunday, 18 April 2010
illuminate approved version of Venus Project (aphrodite mods)
additions: Security Wall (this means solar/wind/hydro power and rain-water storage divider).
clever that.
Also the use of availabe green (human fertilized - after methane fuel extraction) space as cherry, farm, woods, crop and apples areas both for the ecconomic drive and sustainability and employment!
Maths: We Can Reach 1 million Per Eco-City!
Major difference with Venus Project (a good idea); each habitat is made into a mega-habitat of 100 people. This turns it from a 2500 habitation village into a 250,000 (1/4 million) habitation zone ie a viable cosmopolitan area. (and this can be easily doubled or trebbled to 500k or 750k population (being 1/2 million to 3/4 million~)
This is a new city!
as a part of the 5 star alliance confedeation, it is x5 in pop; total giving:
at 250k x5 = 1.25million, @500k =2.5million @750k=3.75million people!
Circa 4 million people per 5 star alliance of 5 cities built around the nature reserve!
drain the swap and build millions more as required!! ie add 1.25 million to make;
2.25, 3.75, 5 million (ie 1 million pop per eco-city)
Such city confederation ~(aphrodite version) are a viable alternative rendering of the inspired Venus ~Project. (which pitched too low~)
for thanks to me, Aphrodite Project spin, if you have the cash (£1435!) buy the stein!! zazzle.com
Saturday, 17 April 2010
Venus Project adaptions; Aphrodite Projects (eco-cities) New-Earth
with fast straight roads/rail networks and central nature-wildlife reserve 'Druids Forest'.
also city orchards, wood and farms. (and beyond lucky farms/orchard/wood)
Venus Project artwork, ideas. (middle-level redesign of a culture).
Free Sex Day each week (compulsory each month). Hetero only. (cultural)
Also each city should have a free Orgy Dome for the youth to avoid sexual repression.
Venus Project-ish Aphroditepolis (Aphrodite Project)
Central Temple of Aphrodite (zone 5-6), zone 2a temple of Diana of Efez for the scum-sociopathic frigid criminal trash, married, child slavers and the like (zone 2a 3a).
With the ever popular Orgie Dome! (compulsory 1 day a month dont forget citizen!)
Biological Hetrosexual Yins-Yangs normality only; deviants will be arrested for crimes against science and for being sexually-insane and sociopathic.
Trousers and short hair forbidden.
Immigration Control!, National-Socialist Zero-Unemployed (none-liberal). State Auto-pays them; and then finds a use for them! Remember immigrants drive down wages, steal jobs, drive up housing costs and availability and cause longer ques for all services. Be Wize or live in a Ghetto.
Lawful Fascist Patrols (LFP) to ensure your safety! Zero-Crime Tolleration. (its that or crime).
High-Tech CCTV and Citizen Beep-Card ID. (none-bio) for quick passing through zone security walls (which have solar, wind and water-hydro power attachments).
Anthropological-Haplogroup Racial Zone compatable UV-Light Levels, Cities located in the appropriate UV light levels for the color of your skin and racial heat needs. ...(also anti-science protest area for the ignorent! zone 1a and 4a). As we know, too much sun for lights or too little D3 from the sun for darks can cause cancer. One area cannot suit all, that is why we have Happy-Apartheid!
Abrahamic Religons Forbidden, especialy the anti-human Jews. Jewish vistors must register at the Security Centre or be recycled as soap.
Have a Nice Day!
The Fresco Project ; Future Cities 2019
Original Blade Runner 1982 (set in LA usa 2019).
unrelated: The Future City called Fresco-Diana; 'Nightmare-Slum-City 2019'.
They clubbed together to buy some land for ahh marxist eco type err new city...!?! and then The Controler (a mysterious dictator like figure who owns them) does a bait and switch classic trick and makes the land a no-voting new hold in a new company - in The Controlers name only. ie Others scammed. Thats wrong....but it is only the beginning of the slaves' problems in Fresco-Diana Nightmare-City 2019!!!
(I really dont see how there could be any connection to The Venus Project? if so what is it?)
Controler, a secret slave devotee of the infernal Virgin-Goddess Diana of Efez wonder of the world, has a new trick; donations to the not-for-profit-charity but other money to a secret profit-making private-owned company...for a sinister hidden agenda, the second company kept quiet so visitors think all money goes to the not-for-profit err strange-eco city..unicorporated gay-lesbian encampment thing...
some people think its based on a true story.
Another problem for the slaves; 'a city' of 2400 of them; the droid-resource-giver DRGiv sends them emergency batteries and solar pannel plug ins to 'keep them going?' PowerPacks and wind-tubines appear on the food-market shelves....Then the health facility is staffed not by nurses but by computer-repair technitions!! what is going on? Has DRGiv gone AI? And what is he up to?
Friday, 16 April 2010
Viking Raids Iraq Oil
Iraq aggrees to alter cost and signitures. april 2010. fabulous discounts!
"The signature bonus for the 8.7-billion-barrel West Qurna Phase One oilfield to be paid by Exxon Mobil (XOM.N) and Royal Dutch Shell RDSA.L will be cut to $100 million from $400 million, said Sabah Abdul Kadhim, head of the legal section of the ministry's petroleum contracts and licensing directorate. The bonus for the 4-billion-barrel Zubair oilfield won by Italy's Eni (ENI.MI) and its partners Occidental Petroleum Corp (OXY.N) and South Korea's KOGAS (036460.KS) will be $100 million also, compared to $300 million previously, he said."
"Potential capacity of 12 million barrels per day compared with 2.5 million bpd now would give Iraq the billions of dollars it needs to rebuild after years of war and economic decline."
Iraq aggrees to put up 3 more oil fields for sale. april 2010. sweat-stained contract...
Iraq oil field goes to China. 2009 China invented gunpowder (laughing buddha)
UK female logistics-soldier escapes jail for drunk-fighing 2 women police. 2010 telegraph UK.
brawling viking-valkyrie fined in court, had been floored fighing boyfriend too.
nshrine to Odin (online meditation/online candle prayer-choice).
Thursday, 15 April 2010
How to Shinto (God Do)
Omairi — Visiting a Shrine
Any person may visit a shrine and one need not be "Shinto" to do this.
- Approach the entrance and bow respectfully before entering.
- If there is a hand washing basin provided, perform Temizu; wash your left hand first, then your right, then rinse your mouth, (do not spit back into the water supply or drink), and sometimes your feet as well if needed. Tip the ladle backwards to wash the ladle handle with the remaining water and place opening down on the rack where you found it.
- Approach the shrine; if there is a bell, you may ring the bell prior to prayers; if there is a box for donations, leave a modest one in relation to your means; normally there will be a sequence of bows, (commonly 2) and then claps (commonly 2), hold the second and put your hands together in front of your heart for a closing bow after your prayers.
- There is variation in how this basic visitation may go, and depending on the time of year and holidays there may also be other rituals attached to visitations.
- Be sincere and respectful to the staff and other visitors, and if at all possible, be quiet. Do be aware that there are places one should not go on the shrine grounds. Do not wear shoes inside any buildings.
- wiki link shinto.
- Shrine is built to the gods (Shin/Kami) or even 'buddhas'.
- Though Buddhism and Shinto have very different perspectives on the world, most Japanese do not see any challenge in reconciling these two very different religions, and practice both. Thus it is common for people to practice Shinto in life yet have a Buddhist funeral.
- The Japanese emphasis on proper greetings and respectful phrasings can be seen as a continuation of the ancient Shinto belief in kotodama (words with a magical effect on the world). A number of other Japanese religions have originated from or been influenced by Shinto. Also, much of Japanese pop culture, especially anime and manga, draws from Shinto for inspiration and stories
- Shinto kami are commonly being seen by Buddhist clergy as guardians of manifestation, guardians, or pupils of Buddhas and bodhisattvas
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Abrahamic Slaves; Earth (Sino Resisted)
(that only the sino race can resist?)
Abrahamic Religions Distribution upon planet Earth...Wiki data.
3000/2000/1400 years didnt work on them... (racial resiliance, brain-mind)
The type lacking in Aryan and northern lesser-Negro and....
maybe...almost, AmerIndian..(ish) yet a local global cult is still a local cult locally?
Of mere science-biology fucking-females of the species we find;
Negro-Sino(Japan) best at: Human.
Worst at: Semite Jew/Arab, Aryan; Sub-Human (lower than)
so much for science.
Illuminating is it not?
There is no God. Venus is right.
Mystery Solved - Mosques/Masjid Diana-Divine
Freudian Fuck Yard of Gapeing Cunt and Rounded Big Tits... and ERECT PENIS!
subtle maybe.
Mysterious attraction and allure... ie i wanna fuck her/be like her!!
If i followed Al Uzza Venus instead of Diana-Allah!!
If only!!!
If only there was a knight in Kevlar Armor!!!
Khilaf'ah Khalif'ah. as in Khalif. (times change). Unified Islamic State distroyed by British Lord Carzon for the then Empire. So they though, hey lets import load of them now...?
Hizb t hr, expect it to never load if in the UK 'FREEDOM zone'. strange dat.
But where is the £5M Temple of Venus in every urban center?
It is as you say; Too Much?? Think of the mental disturbance to those hostile to Adult Sex!!
What would nambla say?? Hear them cry!! and Rage!!
Dont worry chaps!! British to the Rescue!! Save your Dollars here, spend twice it later!!
Thanky doody sir.
Mosque of England (recovering Islam or Hijack too?)
Projecting British Islam, Turkey, photo-pictures-fotos; British Foreign and CommonWealth Office; UK Government Foreign Office. (External). (ComInChf) Foreign Secretary, Cabinet of PM)
[do not oppose publically for fear of violent assault*] *protected from law courts by Police.
Beware of Stasi-State-Pet state-disloyal-Denouncers! UK!!
Soo we can say... hosted in America... that the British Police cover-up and 'abet the commisoning of crimes', against the perceived disloyal to State Ideology and other speech Dissenters against the status quo [State]. 'May Her Imperial Majesty Reign Long and Prosper in Safety!' we shall add.
Yet it is necessary to impose the Law however-derived for order and even safety of citizens.
This is a; good thing.
Bad things:
"Dhimmini status UK. from political-state disavowed...
Wiki: "At different times and places, non-Muslims living under Muslim rule were required to demonstrate deference to mosques. In most cities of Morocco, Jews were required to remove their shoes when passing by a mosque.[49] Danish traveler Carsten Niebuhr wrote that in 18th century Egypt "Jews and Christians had to dismount before several mosques in veneration of their sanctity."[50]"
Goddess of the Mosque (Sacred Human-Undertaking of/for the divine(s) in human-workings and enterprise). As is manifest unto us....! (aka semites are thick and stupid)...ie fear not idols but remove them (because of semite fear of them~).
As there Goddess did not bother to explain to them the science, semites have low Visual IQ (ie retard), like an ape
(not like a chimp who are high-er).
Internet Interwebs Firefox/Mozilla free download websurfer
Public sex.
Faith, Wealth and Power (UK Shariah)
"Dogs are usually banned from entering mosques, but on September 24, 2008, the Muslim Law Council UK granted a blind Muslim permission to take his guide dog into the mosque via a Fatwa."
UK Sharia Council gives women new rights. (therefore this will be supported by 60% of moslem women ; ie the women/islam equation).
London, Aug.8 (ANI): Muslim women are to be guaranteed equal rights in marriage under a new wedding contract negotiated by leading Islamic organisations and clerics in Britain.
The Telegraph quoted Dr. Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, Director of the Muslim Institute and author of the contract, as saying that this is the biggest change in Sharia law in Britain in the last 100 years.
Currently Muslims in Britain have an Islamic ceremony called a nikah (a non register office marriage) which, although it is guaranteed under Sharia law, is not legally binding and does not provide a woman with written proof of the marriage and of the terms and conditions agreed between the spouses.
“It will challenge various sharia councils who don”t believe in gender equality but the world has changed and Islamic law has to be renegotiated,” Siddiqui said.
The new Muslim marriage contract does not require a ”marriage guardian” (wali) for the bride, and also makes delegation of the right of divorce to the wife (talaq-i-tafweeed) automatic.
This right does not affect the husband’’s right of talaq but enables the wife to initiate divorce and retain all her financial rights agreed in the marriage contract....
Drawn up by the Muslim Institute, the contract has taken four years to negotiate and create. Leading Muslim organisations including the Imams and Mosques Council (UK), Muslim Council of Britain, The Muslim Law (Shariah) Council UK, Utrujj Foundation, and The Muslim Parliament of Great Britain support it. (ANI)
Bedford Borough Council said it prosecuted private hire firm Crown Cars (Bedford) Limited after it refused to take a blind man with a guide dog.
The firm pleaded guilty to the offence at Bedford Magistrates' Court under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and received a £250 fine and £250 costs bbc
Monday, 12 April 2010
Saturday, 10 April 2010
Frigid Gossip Quarantine!
Stranger sex, false names, avoiding 'i know you/your mom'ers defeats the spread of this phobia.
Try dogging... unless it is infected for you...
Thursday, 8 April 2010
Venus Encounters (art) poem
There is peace in the darkness, and solitude.
Tranquility at this known place.
alone in the dark.
alone female.
Thats not allowed, there is a price to be paid, she knows that.
That is why she is here?
In denial of the smell and aromas of spent passion, some spillage too recent for safety, and of crimes committed and still-at-large they say to prey on whom they will.
like a braking window; her word of reflection is shattered in alarm, a rising panic.
It is only foot steps, heavy ones, getting nearer.
She cannot peek who it is but she offers her chest forward, fumbling at the buttons...
dogs run or bark she remembers. but Vaginas get wet.
though she cannot look at him she can feel his searching eyes now upon her exposed breasts and they are firmer then usual betraying her location.
He can do what he wants. And she thinks he knows that.
skirt drops upon the floor and she is naked before them, for there is another male with him...
Their footsteps have stopped and the only sound is their collective breathing in the darkness, the smell of tobacco and drink...
...they have gone now, a wave of relief passes though her, their footsteps too have gone and she climaxes again because of it. Blouse closes and rebuttons up to hide the salivaed tits, and she creeps down, knowing what she had let done, to redress in the skirt what is wet with spilt cum that tipped from her parted legs.
as if magic she is now dressed legally again, a shield against anyone knowing.
Her high shoes sound as she walks away in the other direction, her mind leaving behind the thoughs of gruning pigs, her gasping heat and sordid orgasms, but she can take her shakey breath and brusied thighs with her..
art pictures Venus-Aphrodite. fotos
more hardcore erotic-art at the Abby of Venus. blog.
Magdala shrine (heathen Galilee chick) ...and wicca
Not quite wikka-wicca though..
(with wicca, to wit, Venus should be with the Sun God not Diana - for my reasoning is this; He wanted a fuck. And the twilight is with him, the night moon is not (usually anyway). but then ofcourse, that is a natural way; and the cultus is that Diana hijacks the natural order of things! That she does.. so yes she does alas belong there... Trick or Treat? Diana'sTrick.
very dire... a quick name change.
well it is when it comes to fun, but when it commes to marriage (call it handfasting ughh) that is a silly enslaver's dream of owning exclusevly and not expecting to share it (i mean her). Venus is Free and free (a slut/freewoman) so it cannot be her who is the owned slave - Slavery is of Diana the Virgin~ and she is not free and not Free. They have to marry Diana surely? (slave/slaver)
such is the will of the gods.
Wednesday, 7 April 2010
MCC Metropolitan Community Church (&)
Same Sex Marriage, wiki data link.. this is mongered by MCCers.
It is a very interesting development.. of an old cult. MCCers are at the front of the Lesbian-Marriage social and political and religious agenda.
same sex accommodation, uk government Dept of Health or Phobia?
the secret grip; same-sex hand-holding...
counter cult...
"and developmental experiences.
People do not choose to have same-sex feelings. These attractions usually develop because social and emotional needs were not met in the developmental years.
Men do not develop same-sex attraction because they are afraid of women. Women do not develop same-sex attraction because they are afraid of men. In reality, relationships with the opposite gender usually have little to do with same-sex attraction; instead, they have to do with relationships with the same gender."
"If you don't want to be gay, you don't have to be. There is a way to overcome your same-gender (gay) feelings and homosexual behavior. If you want to make changes in your life, you can. This site can provide help."
Welcome to Church Jesus! with Diana (inc.MCC)

Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Diabolic Satanism with...(sigh) Diana
Virgin hooker for sale. standard in its way.usually for Diana's marriage law, but that chick wants hard cash instead.
see satanic fume-crime bitch-jealous prude-zone for summoning insanity (without the arrest).... its demonic!!
Gnosis insight of local cult

the hidden.
Jesus fucking magdalene as example to make her a ...adult.
see picture-photo-foto. click for bigger as time allows...
pityless mass, there-for one of the black-masses vid...in honor of Great Diana the Virgin of Efez. Sacred Lesbian, butch Huntress, bleeder of the moon, Amazon Queen and Matriarch, Imperial Highness, Lady of Archers, Slaver of Many. etc.
like the whore of babylon who rides upon the beast;
her open legs and sex has not the natural pity for the accursed of Diana;
"The Poor, the mourners, the hungry and the weak.
the state-hated, the peaceful, the merciful and out-look bleak."
the lord said all slaves will obey their master.
and so, it is, The master of the slave Is obeyed!
and she cannot serve two masters; or Mistress Diana the frigid AND another who is Male Master!
...he said
so she does not!
as he commanded her. :)
but this only applies to slaves, not free-women.
Lucifer guides him, for he is of her, for he is the morning star, which is her star.
This means she loves him, does it not?
and love shall guide us well.
Cureing Lesbians makes Jesus happy

Really funny article on Lesbians.
- The Top Rung. 2 "Hot" lesbians. Lusted after by the rest, these are usually just straight girls who are "slightly confused" and have "one hot night" with someone in the group...or actually just like to fuck girls. Sometimes the two kiss each other at frat parties, post-prom parties or yuppie parties. This event is the only thing that anyone (Especially any guys present) remembers the next day. These girls always bang guys on the side and bring STD's to the group. Some very rare members of this rung are actual lesbians who honestly find women to be hawt and guys to be ugly. This, however, is extremely rare. Like "finding intelligence on Gaia" rare.
- The Middle Rung. 4 "Okay" lesbians. They're "pretty sure" that they're lesbians, are probably art students, and bring straight girls over to their "cultured" apartment to watch "indie movies" - really just Feminazi propaganda. Usually they're okay-looking, maybe a big nose, a slight gut or something. They are lusted after by cosplayers and the bottom rung of lesbians. Every once in a while, they "crave a cock" and are bitched at for betraying the Coven.
- The Bottom Rung. 18 "Butch" lesbians (See Oprah, Rosie O'Donnell, Ellen, your Mother, and so forth.) Fat, chubby, obese, round, ugly bitches with jeans and buzzed hair, who woke up to the fact they are too ugly to date boys ever when they were young and decided to become lesbians for at least some strap-on-Bilbo action. They practice a "masculine" voice until they sound vaguely like Bart Simpson. Usually they are in a showing of The Vagina Monologues at some community theater. In the workplace, they claim to do all the work and whine in the backroom about how everyone is persecuting them because they're queer. Maybe they used to be persecuted for being nuns. Their only male friends are of course gay and play cricket. Sound familiar? If any one of these is in the management where you work, QUIT YOUR JOB NOW!!!!"
psychotherapists nobbled but 1 in 20 holds out against PC-terrorism...
Rabbi suggests using magic to bring back the dyke to hubby. wtf mug, go hire another one! huh? (he recommends pouring bag of sand on their door-step... thats spooky!)
Rainbow flag forced to become gay by abusive homosexual deviants. wiki.
LGBT symbols. also wiki.
youtube: anti-gay marriage picket...(a bit old-Testi Torah-Jew)
google; God hates Fags. countering heresy and ignorence, from the most hated church in America!! (its passed the Mormons long ago)
ps Jesus is a local-god.
Monday, 5 April 2010
Corrective Rape and Romans1:26-27 (bible)

Bible Study time with goddess Tula (aka Venus).
(platonic ie this in no way says you should go and get yourself arrested/imprisoned)
Romans chapter 1, verses 26 and 27 as follows:
26Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
Natural Sex: (penis in vagina), ie biological sex, yin yang, males females.
unnatural (unbiological) sex: is lesbianism (& pedophillia).
..received inside themselves... (in this case vagina)
due penalty ie penalty due... (for forsaking natural sex the due penalty is natural sex).
This is an attempt at cureing as well as a punishment
(does not mean: praying for, laying on of hands! does not mean punishment beating/killing (not torah jews)).
does not mean acceptance of it.
does not mean its legalization.
This afferms scientific biology - the vagina is made for penis.
It is a process of de-substituteization.
(adult-hormones-libedo needs were misdirected from sexual intercourse).
should be brought to orgasm too.
obviously this cannot include the perversion to be punished!
held by males; anal insertion of blunt-object by females and the offender brought to erection and the offenders penis made to ejaculate (sexual pleasure/relief with females). 'he might enjoy it' - good.
regular sex increases dopeamine (and other sex released chemicals of use) to natural adult levels.
the same feminists who 'oppose rape' support rape of children with nambla's crimes (against the pre-sexual; pre-adult release of sex hormones). they say men can stop rape by not raping; so they ignore and accept lesbian rape QED (because they like lesbian sex)
corrective rape article.
wiki data.
rape board.
hypocrasy of the lefts hate mongers.
staged/fake porno. vids.
other news:
repressed society - frigid. more...
AWB leader killed at farm by negro workers over getting wages....i think. south africa. a talented afrikaans speaker of the hitler-emotive. 2 in custody for his murder.
global slave prices down

"With more and more Americans struggling to afford basics like food, housing, and health care, one globally-traded commodity is more affordable today that it's ever been before. Unfortunately, that commodity is human beings. And it's no coincidence that the price of a slave has significantly dropped as the price of food, medicine, and housing has increased.
At a recent panel lecture in Boston, abolitionist scholar Zoe Trodd stated that the average price of a slave in 2010 is about $40. That's compared to the cost of a slave in 1840, which in today's dollars would have been between $30,000 and $50,000 -- as much as a brand new luxury car. Even just ten years ago, experts estimated that the global average for buying a human being was closer to $100 or $200. And, now, it's cheaper in many parts of the world to buy a human being than it is to buy an iPod shuffle."
- Price of Human Beings Reaches Historic Low. Amanda Kloer 2010.
so its not the time to sell a few redundant slaves off cheap, i guess it is time for errr...buy buy buy....
unrelated link...list of brothels Oz (where there is very little slavery) aka australia by some.
the modern harem (good really)

Some Modern Harems of the plutocracy-aristocracy (ie inherited wealthy); a perspective paradox;
"The men and women in the harems have sold their old way of life for a more desired lifestyle. They no longer have to work for menial wages and live in poverty. The open line of credit they now have has become a blessing, and they would protect it with their lives if necessary. They worship their master and are glad to perform any favor that their master demands of them. Keeping the master happy is their only responsibility.
The needs of men and women in modern times have changed to reflect the importance of a high maintenance lifestyle. People no longer are satisfied with the simple life and have become desperate to live in a world of glamour and abundance. Their exposure to all the goodies displayed by advertisements has turned them into ravenous beasts. The shopping centers are crowded with stampeding mobs in search of a bargain. It has become obvious that the new god is a material rather than a spiritual one
Becoming dependent on others is a two edged sword. One edge makes life easier for you and gives you the material things that otherwise was unobtainable. The other edge will cause you the pain of helplessness when the provider has a change of mind, and wont supporting you any longer. This is the chance you take when surrendering self dependency. If you do, be prepared to always live with the fear that your master will leave and set you free."
from here. modern harem 2007 by Melpol.
"The harems of long ago have returned to modern times, and are spread out all over the world. Due to religious pressure and jealousy, harems have taken on a new form and are not easily recognized."
chicks in swimsuits. foto.