the hidden.
Jesus fucking magdalene as example to make her a ...adult.
see picture-photo-foto. click for bigger as time allows...
pityless mass, there-for one of the black-masses vid...in honor of Great Diana the Virgin of Efez. Sacred Lesbian, butch Huntress, bleeder of the moon, Amazon Queen and Matriarch, Imperial Highness, Lady of Archers, Slaver of Many. etc.
like the whore of babylon who rides upon the beast;
her open legs and sex has not the natural pity for the accursed of Diana;
"The Poor, the mourners, the hungry and the weak.
the state-hated, the peaceful, the merciful and out-look bleak."
the lord said all slaves will obey their master.
and so, it is, The master of the slave Is obeyed!
and she cannot serve two masters; or Mistress Diana the frigid AND another who is Male Master!
...he said
so she does not!
as he commanded her. :)
but this only applies to slaves, not free-women.
Lucifer guides him, for he is of her, for he is the morning star, which is her star.
This means she loves him, does it not?
and love shall guide us well.
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